🗃️Endpoints - Les canaux
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Create a channel
The name of the channel.
The description of the channel
The emoji of the channel
Whether the channel should be auto-joined by new members.
Whether the channel should show its members.
Privacy setting of the channel
Channel has been successfully created
The id of the channel.
The name of the channel.
The emoji of the channel
The description of the channel.
The privacy of the channel.
Whether the channel will be auto-joined by new members.
Whether the channel will show its members.
List channels
Channels returned successfully
The items found
The total number of items found
List Channel members
The id of the channel
Channel members returned successfully
The items found
The total number of items found
Add member to a channel
The id of the channel
An uuid representing the unique identifier of the spot member to add to channel
Member successfully added
Delete a channel
The id of the channel
Channel successfully deleted
Update a channel
The id of the channel
The name of the channel.
The description of the channel
The emoji of the channel
Whether the channel should be auto-joined by new members.
Whether the channel should show its members.
Privacy setting of the channel
Channel successfully updated
The id of the channel.
The name of the channel.
The emoji of the channel
The description of the channel.
The privacy of the channel.
Whether the channel will be auto-joined by new members.
Whether the channel will show its members.
Get a channel
The id of the channel
Channel found and returned successfully
The id of the channel.
The name of the channel.
The emoji of the channel
The description of the channel.
The privacy of the channel.
Whether the channel will be auto-joined by new members.
Whether the channel will show its members.
Add members to a channel
The id of the channel
An array of strings representing the unique identifiers of spot members to add to channel
Members successfully added
The list of spot member id that were successfully added to the channel.
The list of spot member id that failed to be added to the channel.
Remove members from a channel
The id of the channel
An array of strings representing the unique identifiers of spot members to remove from channel
Members successfully removed
The number of members removed from the channel.
Create multiple channels
The name of the channel.
The description of the channel
The emoji of the channel
Whether the channel should be auto-joined by new members.
Whether the channel should show its members.
Privacy setting of the channel
Channels has been successfully created
The channels that were created.
The channels that failed to be created.
Link a group
The id of the channel
The id of the group to link
Group linked successfully
Unlink a group from a channel
The id of the channel
The id of the group
Group successfully unlink
Link groups
The id of the channel
The ids of the groups to link
Groups linked successfully
Unlink groups from a channel
The id of the channel
The ids of the groups to link
Groups successfully unlink
list a group
The id of the channel
Group returned successfully
The items found
The total number of items found