Who's got the floor? You decide who will speak during the live show.
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Who's got the floor? You decide who will speak during the live show.
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From this page, you can see all the speakers in your live show. All the speakers are listed in a table, which allows you to filter and organize the information for better management.
At the top right, you will find the Invite Speakers button, which allows you to add speakers to your live. You have several possibilities: by Spot members or by email addresses.
In this tab, you have access to the complete list of your Spot members. Simply select the members you wish to invite and click on
If the participants are not yet members, then add their email address and click on
. You will also need to fill in some information such as first name, last name, avatar, etc. When the member joins the Spot, the information they have filled in will replace the information you just entered. The members you have invited will be notified by email and invited to join your Spot to participate in the live event.
If a speaker wishes to take part in the live event without joining the Spot, the admin can send him a direct access link.
To invite a speaker through the direct access link method, you still need to fill in its profile information as explained in the previous part. Disable the notify email
if you don't want your speaker to receive any spot invitation.
Once you've filled in his information, the admin can retrieve this link in 2 ways:
By clicking on the Copy access link button in the speaker's edit drawer (accessed by clicking on the speaker in the list of speakers in the live settings).
Once you've copied the link, all you have to do is send it to the speaker. He or she will then be able to access the live event via this link, without having to log in.
Please note that the speaker will only have access to the live event: he or she will not be able to access the live chat or the list of participants.
Warning! The link becomes obsolete if you modify the speaker's details (first name, last name, host status). In such cases, don't forget to resend the link to your speaker!
From the list of live participants in the live room, click on the icon .