🧒Assign roles to members

Once you've created your role, you can assign it to members. You can do this in 2 different ways:

  • From the audience table in the Spot parameters

Select the members in the table whose role you wish to modify. Then click on Actions in the top right-hand corner of the table, then on Update roles.

A list of all the roles available on the Spot opens (including Member and Admin roles). All that remains is to select the role you wish to assign.

  • From the member's profile (by clicking on the member's name in the audience table or members page)

Click on the Edit button to the right of the role. A list of all the roles available on the Spot opens (including Member and Admin roles). All that remains is to select the role you wish to assign.


  • By default, when a user joins the Spot, he/she has the Member role.

  • Each user can only have one role for a given Spot.

  • Roles are visible to all members.

  • Only Admins can update other members' roles.


When an admin changes a member's role to give him/her more permissions, the member concerned is informed via :

  • An in-app notification.

  • An e-mail notification containing the various permissions associated with the new role.

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