Access MeltingSpot
Web browsers
MeltingSpot is compatible with all currently supported web browsers. However, we highly recommend using Google Chrome, which happens to be our developers' top pick! 🌟
For the best experience, we suggest steering clear of outdated browsers like Internet Explorer. Trust us, your browsing journey will thank you! 🙏
Receive emails from MeltingSpot
To ensure that MeltingSpot emails land safely in your inbox & avoid getting lost in the spam box, it's essential to whitelist our email domain (
) by your email client.
Here are a few details to help you make sure our emails find their way to the right side of your mailbox:
Port: 587
Addresses: and
Firewall settings
Our platform relies on various services that need to be accessible whenever you connect to your Spot. Here are the domain names we use to ensure everything runs smoothly:
URLs like "" or ""
To guarantee access to all features, please ensure that these domain names are authorized by your organization.
Make sure these domains are accessible.
And make sure that WebSockets are allowed on any of these domains and sub-domains on ports 80 and 443.
Our video solution relies on which has its own recommendations:
Blocked? No time to wait for IT support?
Here's a quick fix: if you're trapped by IT restrictions and don't have time to contact your network administrator, here we've got you covered with a temporary workaround:
Share your smartphone's Internet connection and connect to your laptop using this connection.
Access the platform from your smartphone.
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