Endpoints - Lives
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List Lives
The page number in a paginated set of results
The limit of results to be returned per page
Search Lives with a specific title
Search Lives that contains this in the title
Search Lives with a specific status
, Planned
, Live
Return elements with date before than this
Return elements with date before than or equal to this
Return elements with date after than this
Return elements with date after than or equal to this
Return elements with date equal to this
Search Lives with theses types of solution
Search Lives with a specific solution
, Vimeo
, BuiltIn
, NoSolution
Search Lives with or without replay
Search Lives with theses types of BuiltInType
Search Lives with a specific BuiltInType
, Conference
Return elements with value lower than this
Return elements with value lower than or equal to this
Return elements with value greater than this
Return elements with value greater than or equal to this
Return elements with value equal to this
Return elements with value lower than this
Return elements with value lower than or equal to this
Return elements with value greater than this
Return elements with value greater than or equal to this
Return elements with value equal to this
Return elements with value lower than this
Return elements with value lower than or equal to this
Return elements with value greater than this
Return elements with value greater than or equal to this
Return elements with value equal to this
Return elements with value lower than this
Return elements with value lower than or equal to this
Return elements with value greater than this
Return elements with value greater than or equal to this
Return elements with value equal to this
Return elements with value lower than this
Return elements with value lower than or equal to this
Return elements with value greater than this
Return elements with value greater than or equal to this
Return elements with value equal to this
Return elements with value lower than this
Return elements with value lower than or equal to this
Return elements with value greater than this
Return elements with value greater than or equal to this
Return elements with value equal to this
Create a Live
The title of the Live
Description of the Live (in Markdown)
The Spot member host of the Live
Start date of the Live (Unix timestamp format)
End date of the Live (Unix timestamp format)
Video URL of the Live (if solution is Youtube or Vimeo)
Active the record on the Live
Solution of the Live
, Vimeo
, BuiltIn
, NoSolution
BuiltIn type of the Live (if solution is BuiltIn)
, Conference
The chat visibility on the Live
, Hidden
The participant list visibility on the Live
, Hidden
The Live visibility
, OnlySpotMembers
, InvitedMembersOnly
Who kind of members can participate to the Live
, InvitedMembersOnly
Delete a Live
The id of the Live
No body
Update a Live
The id of the Live
The title of the Live
Description of the Live (in Markdown)
Start date of the Live (Unix timestamp format)
End date of the Live (Unix timestamp format)
Active the record on the Live
Make available the record of the Live
Video URL of the Live (if solution is Youtube or Vimeo)
Video URL of the Live (if solution is Youtube or Vimeo)
The chat visibility on the Live
, Hidden
The participant list visibility on the Live
, Hidden
The Live visibility
, OnlySpotMembers
, InvitedMembersOnly
Who kind of members can participate to the Live
, InvitedMembersOnly
Solution of the Live
, Vimeo
, BuiltIn
, NoSolution
BuiltIn type of the Live (if solution is BuiltIn)
, Conference
Get a Live
The id of the Live
Unlink a group from a live
The id of the Live
The id of the group
No body
Unlink groups from a live
The id of the Live
The ids of the groups to link
No body
Link a group
The id of the Live
The page number in a paginated set of results
The limit of results to be returned per page
Link a group
The id of the Live
The id of the group to link
To send an email notification to each added member. Disable by default.
No body
Link groups
The id of the channel
The ids of the groups to link
No body
Invite a member as Live speaker
The id of the Live
The Spot member ID on the initiative of the invitation
Set to true to highlight the Speaker.
Set to true to grant Host rights to the Speaker.
Set to true to send notification mail to each invited members
Member to invite as Live participant from email address or existing Spot member ID
No body
List Live speakers
The id of the Live
The page number in a paginated set of results
The limit of results to be returned per page
Search participants with a specific firstname
Search participants that contains this in the firstname
Search participants with a specific lastname
Search participants that contains this in the lastname
Search participants with a specific email
Search participants that contains this in the email
Search participants with a specific status
, Invited
, Declined
Search participants with one of theses status
Search for participants who replayed the Live
Search for participants who participated to the Live
Invite a member as Live participant
The id of the Live
Member to invite as Live participant from email address or existing Spot member ID
The Spot member ID on the initiative of the invitation
Set to true to send notification mail to each invited members
No body
List Live participants
The id of the Live
The page number in a paginated set of results
The limit of results to be returned per page
Search participants with a specific firstname
Search participants that contains this in the firstname
Search participants with a specific lastname
Search participants that contains this in the lastname
Search participants with a specific email
Search participants that contains this in the email
Search participants with a specific type
, Speaker
, Host
Search participants with one of theses types
Search participants with a specific status
, Invited
, Declined
Search participants with one of theses status
Search for participants who replayed the Live
Search for participants who participated to the Live
Invite multiple members as Live speaker
The id of the Live
The Spot member ID on the initiative of the invitation
Set to true to highlight the Speaker.
Set to true to grant Host rights to the Speaker.
Set to true to send notification mail to each invited members
Spot members to invite as Live speaker
Invite multiple members as Live participant
The id of the Live
The Spot member ID on the initiative of the invitation
Set to true to send notification mail to each invited members
Members to invite