Create a course
Time to create your first training path π
Dernière mise à jour
Cet article vous a-t-il Γ©tΓ© utile ?
Time to create your first training path π
Dernière mise à jour
Cet article vous a-t-il Γ©tΓ© utile ?
To create a course, open the Courses
section, and click on the New
button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
A side panel opens, allowing you to configure your course:
Name your course - Mandatory
Give your course a description - Optional
Provide a cover image (in PNG, JPG or GIF format, less than 5 MB in size). The recommended pixel size is displayed - Optional
Define privacy, i.e. the Spot members able to view your Course elements.
Select Public
if you want all your Spot members and visitors to be able to see your Course.
Select Secret
if you wish to choose which Spot members will have access to this content.
Define navigation, i.e. the order in which members will take the course.
Select Flexible navigation
if you want the course to be taken in a random order.
Select Sequential progression
if you want the course to be taken in a fixed order defined by the order of the steps.
Click on Create as draft
: that's it, your course is created!
If your course is public, visitors (non-members or members not logged in) with access to your course page will be able to see the course card and the introductory step. They will need to create an account or log in to access the rest of the steps.
Good to know
Your course has been created, but you still need to configure all the steps! Don't worry, once created, the course is in 'draft' mode and is not yet visible to any member or visitor.
By default, a newly created course contains 4 (empty) steps:
Introduction step
2 intermediate steps
Conclusion step