General settings
Dernière mise à jour
Cet article vous a-t-il Γ©tΓ© utile ?
Dernière mise à jour
Cet article vous a-t-il Γ©tΓ© utile ?
In the general settings, you can modify the general information of your course:
The course Title
A description to detail the objectives of the course.
A cover picture
Privacy settings to manage access to your course. You can choose between 2 levels of confidentiality:
: all members can view this course. Visitors to your Spot will be able to see that the course exists and access its introductory stage.
: only invited members will be able to take this course. Others won't even know it exists.
Any changes in the privacy settings will have no impact on current course participants.
Navigation, to manage the order in which members will take the courses
Flexible navigation
: the course can be taken in a random order.
Sequential progression
: the course must be followed in a fixed order defined by the order of the stages.
This is also where you'll find the button for deleting your course. If you click on the Delete course
button, a confirmation modal will open. If you choose to delete the course, your choice will be final and irreversible. Use with caution!