Channel settings
Take charge of your chat channel! Manage access, member list, and how to join it.
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Take charge of your chat channel! Manage access, member list, and how to join it.
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From within a channel for which you are the administrator, you can access the settings by clicking on the button containing its name and a downward arrow.
A side window opens and displays the previously saved settings and the groups associated with the channel, i.e. the groups whose members are invited to join this channel.
You can change the settings by clicking on Edit
at the bottom right of the window.
This will take you to the channel details window, where you can change the channel name, icon and description, as well as the access settings:
A public channel is visible and accessible by all members of your Spot without invitation or validation from you. After joining your Spot, your members will be able to see it directly from the home page of their discussions (see next parameter) or find it from the list of channels accessible via the More channels
A private channel is only visible and accessible by invitation. This allows you to create a private discussion between admins of a Spot, or to create a channel for a specific group of members. See this section to learn how to invite members or groups to your private channel.
The Add New Spot Members to Channel
button can only be enabled if you have previously set your channel as public. It is not possible to automatically add new members of a spot to a private channel.
If your channel is public and you activate this button, each new member of your spot will be automatically added to it.
This button is particularly useful when creating a General channel or introducing your community members!
Whether your channel is public or private, you can enable or disable the display of channel members.
When you enable this button, a Members
button appears at the top right of the member's chat channel. Each member of the channel can then click this button to see and search for other members in the channel:
Even if your channel is public, you don't have to make the list of members accessible!
Once you have configured your access settings, click the Save
button at the bottom right of your edit window to make them effective. You can change them again at any time by following the same procedure!