General settings
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Your audience is buzzing with excitement for fresh paint and stylish decor! It's time to personalize your space.
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In your Spot settings, you can change your Spot's name, description, logo and privacy.
To change these elements, go to the "General Settings" menu in the Spot settings. You can then modify the name, logo and description of your Spot.
Giving a name to your Spot is mandatory. It must be at least 4 characters long and at most 100 characters long.
Adding a description to your Spot is optional. If you want to put one, it must be a maximum of 300 characters. It will be displayed in the registration form of the Spot and is intended to encourage new users to join the Spot.
Putting a logo on your Spot is optional. The image must be in .png, .jpg or .gif format and must have a maximum size of 1 MB. It is recommended to use a square image with a minimum size of 40 x 40 pixels.
Only the Spot admins can change the name, description and logo of the Spot.
You can change the privacy of your Spot. And thus, define the access conditions to your Spot: Public or Private.
If you choose to make your Spot public, any user will be able to join your Spot without you having to accept it.
If you choose to make your Spot private, all users who want to join your Spot will have to wait for you to approve or deny their request.
If you change the privacy of your Spot from private to public, all users waiting for acceptance will automatically be accepted to your Spot.
You can decide to require your members to check their email address by enabling or disabling the switch. If you activate this feature :
Until they have verified their email address, your members will not be able to access Spot content.
Members who log in with their email and password will have to verify their email. They will receive an email with a verification link. When they click on this link, their email will be verified and they will once again have access to all Spot content.
If you have activated SSO on your Spot, all members who log in via SSO will be automatically verified.
On the same page, you can set the language and timezone of your Spot. By default, these settings align with the language and timezone of the device used to create the Spot,
This setting enables you to specify the language for emails sent to users who do not have an account on MeltingSpot yet.