βž•Create a live

Live shot in the MeltingSpot studio, on Youtube, Vimeo, or physical event, the choice is yours!

To create a live from the Lives menu, click on the Create Live button at the top right of the screen to create a new live.

A drawer will open, allowing you to set up your live:

  1. Give your Live a Name.

  2. Enter the Date, Time, Duration and Timezone of your Live.

  3. Choose the video solution you want to use:

    • Built-in studio -> Choose this solution if you want a 100% integrated experience.

    • Youtube -> Stream your live on Youtube and embed the Youtube player in your Spot. The live will start automatically on the chosen date.

    • Vimeo -> Same principle as Youtube

    • No solution -> Choose this option if you are not yet sure of which solution you will use or if you want to do a physical event.

  4. Associate tags to your Live to make it easier for your members to find them. πŸ‘‰ Learn more about tags

Tip: You can access the Live creation panel from anywhere on the app by clicking on Manage my Spot.

Click on Create: your live is ready to go!

Good to know

Your live is created but it is not yet visible to your members. Go to the settings of your live to finish configuring it.

Duplicate a live

It is possible to duplicate a live. To duplicate a live :

  • Click on the Duplicate button that appears in the top right-hand corner of the map of the live you wish to duplicate.

  • The side panel for creating a new live opens. It is pre-filled with the same information as the original live, except for the date and time, which correspond to the current date and time +15min.

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