✏️Draft mode

By default, when a course is created, it's in draft mode, to give you time to configure and fill it in peacefully.

Draft mode

While your course is in draft mode, it is only visible to Spot admins. In the course list, the course card is displayed in light gray with a Draft status. Once your course and all its stages are ready, you can publish it!

Publishing a course

To publish a Course, go to that course, and from the reading view, click on the Publish button next to the Edit button in the top right-hand corner of the page. A modal will open to confirm your action! Once the Course has been published, it will be visible in the course list for Spot members and authorized visitors.

At any time, you can decide to return a course to draft mode! To do so, simply click on the Convert to draft button next to the Edit button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Once a course has been converted to draft mode, no member or visitor will be able to view or access it; only admins will be able to.

If members have already started a course and you convert it to draft, their existing data will remain accessible from the course participants table.

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