❓Registration form

Take control of the registration process by choosing the questions you want members to answer when they join your spot.

From your Spot's settings, you can edit the registration form by adding to the default questions any question you think is relevant to your community members.

Accessing the registration form

To access the registration form, go to your Spot's settings, and to the Registration Form menu.

All the questions in the registration form are displayed in a list. This list is composed of 2 parts:

  • The introduction

  • The default mandatory questions

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Title

  • Questions created by the admin.

The introduction

You can add an introduction at the beginning of the registration form to welcome your members. To do this, simply activate the introduction and fill in the text box with what you'd like to say to your members. Use the option bar below the text box to add text, images, links, videos and more.

Adding questions

To create a question, go to your Spot settings, in the "Registration Form" menu. By clicking on the Add a question button, a menu will open allowing you to choose the type of question you want to add. When you click on one of these types, a side panel opens. From this panel you can create or edit questions.

Using the settings button, you can :

  • Make some questions required. When registering, members will have to answer this question.

  • Choose question privacy. Answers to public questions will be visible to the whole community in the member's public profile. Private questions will only be visible to the member and admins.

Types of questions

There are 7 different types of questions at your disposal.

Types of questionDetails


  • Allows you to create a simple text.

  • This text can be formatted (bold, italic, underlined etc.)


  • Allows you to ask an open question.

  • The user's answer will be in the form of a short text of 300 characters maximum.

Long text

  • Allows you to ask an open question.

  • The user's answer will be in the form of long text of up to 2,000 characters.


  • Allows you to ask a question whose answer is a number.

Multiple select

  • Allows you to ask a closed question.

  • The user can select as many answers as they want from the list of options you offer.

  • You can put as many options as you want. You can delete them and order them as you wish.

Single select

  • Allows you to ask a closed question.

  • The user can select 1 answer from the list of options you provide.

  • You can put as many options as you want. You can delete them and order them as you wish.


  • Allows the user to agree.

Order of questions

In the Registration Form menu, you can reorder the questions you have added using drag and drop.

The default questions cannot be edited or reordered.

Overview as a member

In the Registration Form menu, you can preview what a member will see when they register.

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