π¨Email notifications
Accessing templates
To access email templates :
Click on
Manage my Spot
Email Notifications
This will take you to the settings page of your Spot, where you can view and customize all the notification emails that can be sent.
The different emails
On this page, you'll find the list of emails you can modify with the time they'll be sent. The emails are :
Invitation to the Spot: this email is sent to a user when you invite them to join your Spot. Please note that this email is sent only once: if you attempt to re-invite a member, they will not receive a second email.
Live registration: this email is sent to a member who has just registered for a live session.
Welcome to the Spot: this email is sent to a member who has just joined your Spot.
Invitation to a live event as a speaker: this email is sent to a member when you invite him/her to a live event as a speaker. Please note that this email is sent only once: if you attempt to re-invite this member as a speaker, they will not receive a second email.
Invitation to a live event as a speaker (non-member): this email is sent to a non-member user when you invite them to join your Spot as a speaker. Please note that this email is sent only once: if you attempt to re-invite this user as a speaker, they will not receive a second email.
Invitation to a live event as a participant: this email is sent to a member when you invite them to a live event as a participant. Please note that this email is sent only once: if you attempt to re-invite this member as a participant, they will not receive a second email.
Invitation to a live event as a participant (non-member): this email is sent to a non-member user when you invite them to join your Spot. Please note that this email is only sent once. If you attempt to re-invite the member as a participant, they will not receive a second email.
The live is about to start: this email is sent to all registered members of a live session 5 minutes before it starts. If you change the start date of the live session before this email is sent, the date and time of this email will be recalculated accordingly.
Modify templates
From the window showing the selected email template, you can preview the email your guests will receive. To modify it, click on the Modify button in the bottom right-hand corner.
To modify the sender's name, the subject and the mail header, be careful to respect the character limit imposed by the editor. You can include emojis and variables relating to the recipient and live. π
Liste of variables
The content of the e-mail is divided into 4 parts:
The message before the registration button. This is limited to 2000 characters. You can insert variables related to the recipient and the live event.
The button for accessing and registering for the live event. This is not mandatory and can be deactivated if the live guests are already Spot members that can easily find your live in the dedicated section. However, we strongly recommend keeping it enabled as it can significantly increase participation.
The message after the registration button. This is limited to 2000 characters. You can once again insert variables related to the recipient and the live.
The e-mail banner. This is optional and will appear at the top of the e-mail if you include one. The imported image must be less than 5 MB in size and PNG, JPG, or GIF format. We advise you to import rectangular banners.
Once you've modified the template information, you can click on Save
in the bottom right-hand corner to save your changes.
When you modify a "Live" template in the Spot settings, these modifications impact:
future lives you create,
lives for which this email is still in Default mode.
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