🌠Last activity date

In your Audience table, you can find the date of each member's last activity.

Click on Columns to add or hide columns. Click on a column title to sort and pin it to the left or right of your table πŸ“Œ

The last activity date refers to when a member last performed a significant activity on your Spot, i.e. one of the following activities:

  • Joined (or left πŸ˜ͺ) the Spot

  • Registered for, participated in or watched a replay of a live event

  • Opened a document page or link in your Collections

  • Sent a message or a reaction

This property is updated within 5 minutes of the activity.

How can I identify and re-engage inactive members?

You can use this date in your audience table to send a bulk message to your inactive members. To do so:

  1. From your Audience table, click onFilters, then apply a filter to the Date of last activity column.

  2. Choose the operator Is before then select the desired date, e.g. one month ago: this filter will only show you the members who have not carried out any significant activity in the last 1 month.

  1. Once your filter is on, select all members, click on Actions and then on Send a message to send your inactive members a Bulk Message.

All that's left is to write a short message telling them about your next Live or the new document in their Collections, to encourage them to come back to your Spot πŸ˜‰

Dernière mise à jour