πŸ‘ΎCustom properties

From the audience table, you can create custom properties to add more information about your members. All custom properties are then displayed in the columns of the audience table. You'll also find them in members' public profiles.

Custom properties are only visible to admins.

Custom property

For each custom property, you can display all its characteristics in a drawer by clicking :

  • On the property name in the audience table column list (click on the Properties button next to the Filters button to display it).

  • On the Manage property button in the column menu (click on the three dots next to the column title).

In the property's drawer, you'll find :

  • The property name with a tag indicating its type.

  • A Details section containing :

    • The property slug, with a Copy icon that lets you copy the slug to the clipboard.

    • The property description.

The slug is a label that identifies the property and enables it to be manipulated via the API and SSO.

  • A Values section (if the property type is Multiple Select, Single Select or Boolean) containing :

    • The various possible values.

    • For each value, the number of members who have that value for the property.

  • A Linked Data section:

    • The number of members who have a value for this property.

At the bottom of the drawer, a Edit button opens the drawer for editing the property.

Create a property

To create a property, click on Action, then on Create property. A drawer opens:

  • Choose the property type: Text, Single select, Multiple select, Boolean, Number or Date - Mandatory.

  • Give the role a name (mandatory) and a description (optional).

  • If it's a Single select or Multiple select property:

    • Two answers are pre-created (Value 1 and Value 2): you can modify, reorder or delete them.

    • You can add values using the Add value button.

    • Please note that at least 2 answers are required.

  • Click on Create: your property is ready to be filled in! πŸ‘

Modify a property

You can modify a property. To do so, click on the Edit button in the property's drawer. An edit drawer opens, from which you can modify :

  • Property name. Please note that if you modify the property name, the slug name remains unchanged.

  • Description.

  • Property values (if Single select or Multiple select):

    • If a value is modified, it will also be modified for members who already have this value.

    • If a value is deleted, members with this value will no longer have a value for this property.

    • If a value is added, nothing changes for members who already have a value.

When you click on Save, the property is modified.

You can also delete the property: when you click on Delete, a confirmation dialog box opens. If you choose to delete the property, this choice will be definitive and irreversible. Use with caution πŸ˜‰

Once a property has been created, you can no longer modify its slug.

Edit a property's value

Once you've created your property, you can fill it in for the different members of your audience!

By default, members have empty values for each custom property created.

There are several ways to modify property values:

Manual editing

Member profile

All personalized properties are displayed in the member's public profile. To change the value of a property, click on the button πŸ–‹οΈ beside it. A window opens, allowing you to modify the value. If the member already has a value for this property :

  • The modal is already pre-filled with this value.

  • A Clear Value button allows you to delete this existing value for the member.

If the member has a value for a property, an icon ℹ️ appears to the right of this value. When you move the mouse over this icon, a tooltip tells you how the value was filled in (Manually, SSO or API).

Bulk edit

From the audience table, you can change the value of a property for several members of your Spot at once. To do this:

  • Select the members concerned.

  • Click on the Action button.

  • Click on the Edit property value button in the menu that appears.

  • Select the property whose value you wish to edit.

A window opens, allowing you to modify the value of this property! All you have to do is enter the value of your choice, and it will be applied to all the members you have selected.

Editing via SSO login

You can modify the value of a member's properties at the time of authentication via SSO. πŸ‘‰ more information here

Edit via API

You can modify a member's property values via the API. To do this, you have three different endpoints at your disposal:

  • List custom property values for a member.

  • Modify the value of a custom property for a member.

  • Modify or add multiple custom property values for a member.

πŸ‘‰ more information here

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