Recovering the key
You can retrieve your secret key from your Spot settings:
Go to the API Access tab
Copy your secret key!
This is a premium feature. If you cannot access it, contact us.
To connect to the API :
Configure your header by adding an "Authorization" element, which must contain your secret key.
Configure the URL using the following call URL: https://openapi.meltingspot.io
Select a method
You can also add filters (as explained here) and fill in the body if needed!
You can find the complete list of available endpoints here!
Please note that the limit for API requests is :
100 requests/10 sec
50000 requests/day
For filters, we use the LHS Bracket method. This method allows you to filter a list when retrieving content or elements. Filters are added to the end of the URL or in the query parameters.
For example: this URL lists members whose email is "john.doe@gmail.com".
To filter your data, you have access to a variety of operators:
Equal to
Not equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
In a specified list of values (comma-separated)
Not in a specified list of values (comma-separated)
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