πŸŽ“Member's status

Declined, Rejected, Deactivated... What is the difference?

On your Spot, members can have different statuses. Each status has a different meaning. There are 7 in total:



A member has an Accepted status if he/she registers on a public Spot, accepts an invitation to join the Spot or if an admin validates his/her registration request on a private Spot.

The member has access to all the content of the Spot except for private content to which he/she is not invited (certain live, channels, collections, etc.).


The member only has access to the home page and to the list of lives whose privacy are public.


A member has a Pending status if they have requested to join a private Spot.

The member only has access to the home page and to the list of lives whose privacy are public.


A member has a Declined status if they have declined an admin's invitation to join the Spot.

The member only has access to the home page and to the list of lives whose privacy are public.


A member has a Rejected status if an admin has refused their request to register on a private Spot.

The member only has access to the home page and to the list of lives whose privacy are public.


A member has a Deactivated status if an admin has deactivated their profile.

The member only has access to the homepage and to the list of lives whose privacy are public.


A member has a Left status if he/she decides to leave the Spot.

The member only has access to the homepage and to the list of lives whose privacy is Public.

Member status update rules on registration or connection

When a member registers or connects to a Spot, his status might be updated. Here are how it works, with slight differences depending on the authentication method used:

Member status updated by the admin

Admins can update the member's status in the following cases:

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