You want to reinvite members in "invited" status.

Step 1 - Cancel the invitations

  • 1.1. Go to "Manage my Spot" > "Audience."

  • 1.2. Add the filter: "Spot status" - "equals" - "invited"

  • 1.3. Export the list of invited members (important!).

  • 1.4. Select all members (at the bottom of the list, show the maximum number of rows to select all).

  • 1.5. Click on "Action" > "Cancel invitations."

Step 2 - Invite the members

  • 2.1. Return to "Manage my Spot" > "Audience."

  • 2.2 Click on β€œInvite to Spot”

  • 2.3 Copy and paste the emails from the list of invited members (step 1.3).

  • 2.4 Click on "Invite."

Rejoining a Spot you left by mistake
  • Click on Join the Spot

  • Complete the registration form

  • You'll be taken to an account creation window. Click on I already have an account

  • Use your usual login details to connect

Modify date format in webhooks

In webhooks, the dates provided are in UNIX TimeStamp format. Depending on the action you want to take, the tool (Slack, for example) you're going to use may not necessarily understand this format. In this case, you can add a step in your Zap or Make to convert the data to a readable format.

Let's take Zapier as an example:

Before your Action, add a formatting step. To do this:

  • Click on the plus + icon to add a step to your Zap.

  • Select Format.

  • Click on the Event drop-down menu and select Date/Time.

  • Click on Continue.

  • In the Action section, click on the Transform drop-down menu and select Format.

  • In the Values section, click on the Input field and enter the data to be transformed (here Occured At).

  • Then select the format you wish to obtain.

  • Click on Continue.

  • Run a test by clicking on Test action. You can select a field from a previous step or enter a value.

If the test is successful, you'll see the results of your Date/Time data conversion. Once you've set up the conversion, you can use the results in other Zap actions.

Modify a live replay

If you wish to modify a live replay :

  • Replace the replay source with a vimeo or youtube link

  • Download the MP4,

  • Replace the replay source with a vimeo or youtube link

  • Upload it to your unlisted YouTube (or vimeo) channel,

  • Cut out unwanted passages and publish

  • Retrieve the link to the Youtube or Vimeo video

  • Replace it in the replay source in the video settings

Download a live replay

To download the replay of a live session, go to your live settings (by clicking on the Settings button in the bottom right-hand corner of your live room):

  • Click on Video settings

  • Click on the Download replay button

  • The MP4 file opens

  • To download, click on the "..." at bottom right

  • Then click on Download

Warning : Please note that you must have checked the "Record live" box! Otherwise the file will not be generated.

Deactivate a Spot

If you wish to deactivate a Spot, please contact us. To do so, from MeltingSpot, click on Contact Support in the menu under your Avatar.

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