📃Create and delete a page

What would a collection be without content? A swimming pool without water!

Create a page

You can add a page from the home page of your collection by clicking on the Create button. A page opens and allows you to add :

  • A cover image (in PNG, JPG, or GIF format and less than 5 MB in size). The recommended pixel size is displayed. The image is not mandatory.

  • A title (maximum 140 characters). The title is mandatory.

  • Different lines of content: a block is present by default (adding content in this first block is mandatory), and you can add other lines containing text, links, or images.

Adding content to a block

To add content to your homepage, you must first add a content block. All content must be placed within a block, and you cannot add content outside of a block.

Click on the block in which you want to add content.

You can add the following types of content to a block from the block's edit bar:

1. Add text

By default, a new frame will always be a text field.

Write the desired text and double-click on it to access the formatting bar. Via the formatting, you can align your text to an edge or to the centre of the frame, justify it, and present it as a bulleted or numbered list, or as a quote.

In a text field, you can integrate external links with the 🔗 button, emojis with the ☺️ button, or member mentions with the @ button via the edit bar of the block.

⚠️ External links must be added in the format "http://" or "https://" to be valid.

2. Adding an image or a gif

Click on the 🖼️ button in the block's edit bar. A drop-down menu with 2 choices appears.

  • Click on Import an image to import an image or gif stored on your device. The size of the image should not exceed 5 MB.

  • Click on From a link to import an image associated with a URL address.

It is possible to add a link behind an image. To do this, click on the share icon that appears at the top right of the image when you move the mouse over it.

When importing an image or GIF, its size will default to the width of the block. However, you can change its size by dragging one of the grey sidebars around it.

3. Embedding external content

You can easily embed hundreds of external contents (such as a Typeform, Tweets, Youtube videos, etc) in a block by clicking on the <> button.

The content to be integrated must be a URL link of type "http://" or "https://" to be valid.

With the drop-down menu, you can specify the source of this content, for example, Loom, Vimeo or Typeform. If the source of the content you wish to add does not belong to this list, feel free to try to integrate it anyway via the <> Other option. Depending on the content you want to embed, make sure its privacy settings allow its accessibility from a MeltingSpot page.

Should you want to embed a Vimeo video with privacy settings set to "unlisted", you would need to add to the authorized domains list go.meltingspot.io and cdn.iframe.ly 🎥

Editing a block

When adding content to a block, the Undo and Redo buttons in the edit bar allow you to undo your actions.

After you have made changes to a block and clicked on the Save button, if you want to make further edits, you can easily access the edit bar by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Edit button located at the top right of the homepage.

  2. Then, click on the desired block that you wish to edit.

  3. This will open up the edit bar for that specific block, allowing you to make additional modifications or updates as needed.

By following this process, you can seamlessly continue editing and refining the content within your blocks whenever necessary.

Publish the page

Once your page is completed, you have the choice between two buttons at the top right of the editor to save it:

  • The Publish button: your page will then be visible to members of the collection.

  • The Save as draft button: your page will not be visible to the collection members, but will be saved for the admins! Take a look at this section to learn more about the draft mode.

You can now return to your Collections page, and the new page is displayed!

Delete a page

Once a page has been created, move your mouse over it from the Collections area and the pencil icon ✏️ will appear: clicking on it will bring up the page editor. Scroll down to the bottom and you will find the Delete button.

By clicking on it, a confirmation window will open to validate your choice: click on Validate and the page will be deleted from your collection.

Please note: this decision is final and irreversible.

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